
Elegantly automated | THE Workshop Series

How to automate your online education business

to sell year-round, delight your customers, and grow consistently

without a team, ads, or live launches.

What you will learn:


THE Traffic System

How to use YouTube to generate Attention, Leads and Market Research Data


THE Sales System

Why a Self Selling Subscription is the only Anti-Freebie Strategy you need to grow


THE Productivity System

What 3 things you need to accomplish every week, to grow on autopilot.

What I'll show you to implement:

with runONi or the tool you use right now


Video based lead Gen

Lead them from you Videos to you, without pressure or free content


Self Selling Subscription

Design your new 7 EUR Sales Machine, with Content you already have


Daily B

Focus on Metrics to accomplish more, while spending time like you love [my ClickUp Board]

And, tough talk, Darling:


It will take time, effort and focus.

It will NOT feel (!) easy, because it is new.

But, it will be the BEST Thing you have ever done for yourself, your life, your clients and your Business

Hi, I'm Kriss!

I turned my business from 0 to 6 figures in 1 year, while raising my kids. Multi 7 figures 1 year later, with no Team #OnePersonEmpire

And you can do that too!

But my business growth was so overwhelmingly positive that I needed to choose between spending time with my children or spending time with my clients – and I would rather not do that.

After weeks of failed attempts to find employees who could run my business better than me, sleepless nights because of forgotten notes, and missed to-dos, I turned to my favorite topic:

Strategy. Tech and tools.

And developed my own profit-focused, but life-first business system, operating system, and balanced high-performance system.

This radical “business minimalism” approach, skyrocketed my business growth while allowing me to work less.

Now I teach my proven methods to 700+ other thought leaders and game changers in the online industry

runONi. Our in-house All-In-One software Solution is the newest Edition to the Family and designed to make it easy for our clients to run and scale their elegantly automated Online Education Empires.

Start with runONi and get the full Online Business Starter Kit + Course Creator Kit for FREE

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